google-site-verification=v35tBZBmXdQoh2ReznmE_u54mjirdfjTcEv7UPtWadY How does 'sex robot' work? - IMAGINATION

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How does 'sex robot' work?

Technology will not be left to satisfy any needs of the people. The latest, most discussed topic in this world is Artificial Intelligence. It is easy to say, an effort is made to create an intelligent device. And the robot industry at the forefront of this effort. Researchers are working to create intelligent robots. And the robot can love people! Even if you want to establish sexual relations!

Nah, I'm not saying that. In the two movies of Hollywood, it is seen such incidents. The pictures of 'Har' and 'X Machina' are both in love with Robot. They have been involved in sex. But this is not the first, fantasy story that is in Greek mythology. There, also, the sculptor of the island of Cyprus, Pigmallyn, fell in love with an idol made of his own.

But the fiction and fairy tales of the movie are going to be true? Can you find the robot of love very soon? These questions are rotating nowadays in the head of the human mind. David Levy, a US expert on artificial intelligence, wrote in his book 'Love and Sex with Robots', it will be possible to create a robotic marriage by 2050. Based on his words, we can say on the verge of a new revolution in sex and technology.


But the reality is a little different. It is not as easy as it is thought to be as easy as possible. As the research progresses, the issue is getting complicated. On the one hand, making them feel like difficult research, on the other hand, it is more difficult to eliminate the complexity of investment in this sector. Earlier, understanding what 'sex robot' really means. A sex robot is a robot with whom sex is possible. It has a device that allows the robot to create genuine sexual feelings within her partner. Shelley Ronen, a New York University sexual intercourse researcher, said that many things have already been discovered so that robots can create sexual feelings among people. They may also have sexual relations with them.

Many of these discoveries have been successfully utilized, and much more. In 2009, a device called 'Real Touch' created a huge stir in the market. The sensation of the human being through the machine. Although it is a kind of virtual device, people can get real feelings through this. But due to a lawsuit against the machine, it was lifted from the market in 2013.

Although more such machines were discovered in relation to human sexual feelings, such a complete robot was not possible. When listening to the sex robot, it is understood that it will be a kind of robot that will be seen as a human, with sexual power, and artificial intelligence to think. So far there are some types of dolls in this market. These were made by California-based company Abyss Creations. The dolls are called 'real dolls'. Real Builders have been created like humans. They named their organization Real Doll.
There are different, doctors for these dolls. Repairing damaged dolls whose work. But these are very expensive. Prices vary from 5 to 10 thousand dollars. Still, these are not sex robots. At least it has not been so far. A sex robot can tell what he wants to say by seeing his user's eyes. The robot is also taught to give the user maximum pleasure. They can even talk to the user.


Sex robot news collector and journalist Avy Flux says it is not a doll nor a machine. These robots will work in nanotechnology. For the feeling, it will have artificial intelligence for artificial skin and language understanding. It can be satisfied by the user.

At present, weighing 47 kgs of real dolls are available in the market But they themselves can not balance themselves. Sex robots will be exceptions. They will not be able to stand up to their own power, they can roam around. They can use their own organs as needed.

In October 2015, Singaporean scientists said that they have created artificial skin for sex robots. But these are not expansion. Moreover, they did not tell how good they would be at the degree of temperature.

Scientists are continuing to research the robot. Now they are doing artificial intelligence. However, human rights activists protested against it. They fear that sex workers will lose their income. Human rights organization Amnesty International has already started a campaign against sex robots called 'The Campaign Against Sex Robot'. People go to sex workers to fulfill their sexual needs. Entrepreneurs in this profession earn money for sex. If such robots are discovered then people will not go to sex workers, fears Amnesty It seems the company will lose their income, the company said.

There are also more obstacles. Organizers are not interested in investing in the business. Banks are not interested in giving loans. Rather, they are thinking of investing in other sectors. There are several legal complications. Moreover, there are many problems in this type of advertising. These products are not advertised in US major online advertising firms. Police conferences closed in 2015 fearing that the movement to launch a second conference on sex robots in Malaysia in 2015.


Initially, the future of the sex robot was considered uncertain. On the one hand, high costs of construction, on the other hand, due to various complications, it was not possible to come to the market because many people concerned were concerned. Abyss Creations They have been working for the last 20 years. They are trying their best to make sex robots in real docks. They have already built a sex robot with artificial intelligence named 'Harmony', in the form of girlhood.
Harmony can dance, look at Abhaymami's posture, even if you can drown him. This robot has the ability to store. He will talk about music, movies, and books. The trick can also be called a trickster. Remember your birthday Not only this, what you like to eat, your siblings' names - will be in your fingertips, Harmony And when you are happy, then there is sex. Still, it has not been made as a 'sex robot' till now.

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